Our playgroup is a wonderful way for your family to be introduced to the welcoming and nurturing community of St Margaret’s Kindergarten.

We welcome families with children from birth to age 5.

The playgroup is run by the parents/caregivers with support from our playgroup coordinator, Marina. Parents/Caregivers are responsible for the safety of their children at all times during playgroup sessions.

It is an ideal opportunity for the children to become familiar with the kindergarten setting, build relationships with other children and begin the transition from home to kindergarten. It provides you and your child with the opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed environment, playing and meeting other families. Marina, our friendly playgroup coordinator, is there to support you and facilitate the group time at the end of the playgroup session.

You are welcome to use all areas of the kindergarten, both inside and out. We also invite you to make use of the kitchen facilities, should you wish to have a cup of tea or coffee.

Our Playgroup runs each Friday of the school year (except for the last Friday of each term) from 11am – 12:30pm. At approximately 12 noon, the children are invited to gather to listen to a story and sing some songs together. Please pack a snack or lunch for your child to have at this time.

The cost of playgroup is $5 per family.

We look forward to meeting you and your children and welcoming you into our community.