Child's Name Gender Date of Birth Street Address Suburb Postcode Name of Parent / Caregiver 1 Mobile Number Name of Parent / Caregiver 2 Mobile Number Email Address English as a Second Language YesNo Any additional needs? YesNo In the year (4 terms) prior to commencing school, children are entitled to access 15 hours of kindergarten/preschool per week. Children who turn 4 years old: before 1 May are eligible to commence kindergarten at the beginning of that year. on 1 May to 31 October can choose to commence kindergarten through the mid-year intake at the start of term 3 of that year. after 31 October are eligible to commence kindergarten at the start of the following year. Term and year that your child will be commencing kindergarten Which primary school is your child likely to attend? Term and year that your child will be commencing primary school Please select your preferred days Mon/TuesWed/ThursEither Sibling's name Sibling's Date of Birth Did sibling attend St Margaret's? YesNo How did you hear about us? Is there any other information in relation to your child’s enrolment or commencement date? (optional) Δ